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Sunday, July 21, 2013

What is Google Analytics? A Useful Tool Guideline

Google Analytical... The Most Powerful Web Developing Feature Launched By Google Corporation!!

Google Analytics is the mostly used web application. We can't deny form its importance. It is being used for the calculating terms for any website. It was basically developed by Urchin Software Corporation, which was later on bought by Google in April 2005. In May 2007 this was edited on a big scale and many modifications were applied by Google to make in more comprehensive and effective. Then it was released and it had become very popular at that time due to its advance and more powerful features. Web developers personally took interest in this web application and marketers also used it at high level. 

Google Analytics is used on regular basis to manage the traffic on a website. It calculates the visitors on a website and reports the owner of website that how much traffic graph is up and how much is low. This application provides a brief detail on the dashboard of website. It keeps you and your dashboard updated as well. That is very fine approach in the field of Web-Development. 

Do you know GA(Google Analytics) is the web application which can generate 85 different reports about a website that will help you to analyze all traffic on your website and possible data that is needed to be put on website. GA not only tracks about the visitors traffic but also it also tells you that which content is mostly read and picked from your website and it also tells the complete detail about that content. It also informs owner of website that at which time website is visited by some one. The most effective feature of this application that it can also track the visitor. GA tells you that which add is more driving on your website and you can have a brief eye on all the activities about the website. It is a summarized information about Google Analytics that can help you a lot to learn about this application. 

The GA Tracking Code:

GA will work only when every page of that website will contain GA Tracking code. This is a simple JAVA Script code that is added to all the webpages about you want to get the analytical information. It is either add to your website manually or directly added through that website's application. 

What You Need To Do To Access Tracking Code?

  • You need to have a Google Account.
  • Then go to the official site of Google Analytics and Sign In.
  • You can find your tracking code by going in Setting of Google Analytics. You must remember that code that will be used for the pages. 
  • From profile column Setting click on EDIT.
  • At top right click on Check Status.
  • Now your tracking code is ready to be copied on your page.


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