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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Safety and Care

Know where your laptop is at all times and treat it with care. Be cautious about leaving the laptop unattended, and know that dropping, jostling, or bumping may cause damage to the hard drive. The most important thing for a laptop is to take care of its external parts i.e, ROM, Keyboard and Mouse Pad etc. These parts are the vital parts for the safety of any Laptop Machine.

  • Do not place drinks next to the computer. One accidental spill onto the keyboard will damage it, probably beyond repair.
  • Always hold the laptop by the bottom (keyboard half), never the screen. Use two hands.
  • Correctly remove the wireless card (if applicable) before transporting.
  • Do not store the laptop where very cold or very hot.
  • Do not place the laptop close to any electrical appliance, because it generates a magnetic field.
  • Purchase a luggage tag. Attach it to the carrying case and fill it out with your name. Make sure that no flap that covers your name.
  • Attach something unique to the carrying case. This will help prevent someone else from mistaking your case for theirs.
  • Label all parts of the laptop with your name. Put a sticky address label on the top of the laptop, inside, under the keyboard, both parts of the power cord, CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/Floppy drives, and a USB drive.
  • Protect the screen and body of your laptop. Your laptop will last much longer if it doesn't get damaged.


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